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Ad Sales Reality Facing B2B & Association Publishers

Selling B2B advertising is not for the faint of heart. Particularly if selling print advertising.

How often have you heard Print is Dead. Nobody reads magazines anymore. We're moving the print budget into SEO, Digital, and/or Content Marketing where the metrics will prove ROI?

Here's just a few of the issues facing your publication every day:

Nelson & Miller salespeople live in the real world, successfully confronting these issues every day for the publishers we represent. We are very adept at selling digital advertising but all too often that's trading print dollars for digital dimes.

While very successful selling digital advertising, maximizing print ad sales is our mission. Our outlook is Darwinian - Only the strong survive. If after the past 15 years, a trade/association publication is still published, advertiser's key customers are reading the publication every bit as avidly as before Al Gore invented the Internet. Or they wouldn't be around; Only the strong survive.

Nelson & Miller's strength to publishers is how we fight to keep print on the schedule. If that's what you need, let's talk.